Every Touchpoint and Recommendation Box have to be inserted into a specific structural point of the hosted sites. The Pages are the representations of these structural units in the Yusp system. A Page on the Yusp side means all the page types on the host site side (for example, an item page on the Yusp interface means all the product pages on the served online shop) These page types must be defined carefully and precisely, and it can be done by several methods:
define with URL: multiple example URLs can describe a Page with a pretty solid precision, but not a 100% proof solution.
define with selectors: to define a page type with 100% accuracy, use the usual HTML selectors
-These pages are generally page types, here are the most common versions of them:
- item page
- home page
- category page
- cart page (e-commerce specific)
- 404 page
- search result page