Please keep in mind that due to network failures or other unexpected issues an error may occur while getting the recommendation from or while adding events to the recommendation engine. This error can cause a program exception which always has to be handled in the proper way. Without handling the possible exceptions your code may terminate at an unexpected place and your site will operate abnormally. Even if you do not get a valid list of recommended items as a result of the recommendation request take care about hiding the recommendation widget or filling it with relevant items. Please ensure the safe error handling. Gravity does not take any responsibility for any damages caused by the lack or deficiency of error handling.
API base URL
Your API endpoint URL depends on your CUSTOMERID and the data center you are served from. The pattern for generating your base API endpoint is:
API base URL
As an example if your CUSTOMERID is mywebshop and you are served from our Amsterdam cluster your API base URL would be:
Example API base URL
Add events
Events are included in the body of HTTP request.
API endpoint - HTTP POST:
Add events API endpoint
Example HTTP request body:
"time": 1525625386,
"time": 1525625386,
The response is an empty HTTP 200 in case of success.
Add or update items
Items can be added to the RECO by the following calls. If you want to modify an item you should add it again with the same ID but with the modified properties. The unmodified properties should be included in the call also.
API endpoint - HTTP POST:
Add items API endpoint
Example HTTP request body:
Add items request body
"title":"Sample product 1",
{"name":"description","value":"This is only a sample product."},
"title":"Sample product 2",
{"name":"description","value":"This is only a sample product."},
The response is an empty HTTP 200 in case of success.
Delete items
If an item is removed from your catalog you should delete it also from the RECO. More precisely you should set it to hidden. RECO never deletes the items because it's data may be necessary for the training of the recommendation algorithms, but it's set to hidden it will never be recommended.
API endpoint - HTTP POST:
Delete items API endpoint
Example HTTP request body:
Delete items request body
The response is an empty HTTP 200 in case of success.
Add or update users
Users are included in the body of HTTP request. Even when the user already exists in the recommendation engine, all of its name values should be sent with the request.
API endpoint - HTTP POST:
Add users API endpoint
Example HTTP request body:
Add users request body
{"name":"name","value":"Jack Test"},
{"name":"name","value":"Rose Reco"},
The response is an empty HTTP 200 in case of success.
Get item recommendation
Please keep in mind that trough network error or through other unexpected issues may an error occurs while getting the recommendation from or while adding events to the recommendation engine. This error can cause a program exception which always has to be handled in the proper way. Without handling the possible exceptions your code may terminate at an unexpected place and your site will operate abnormally. Even if you do not get a valid list of recommended items as a result of the recommendation request take care about hiding the recommendation widget or filling it with relevant items. Please ensure the safe error handling. Gravity does not take any responsibility for any damages caused by the lack or deficiency of error handling
Parameters can be included in the query string.
API endpoint - HTTP GET:
Get recommendation API endpoint
Query string parameter name | Description |
userId | The identifier of the user |
cookieId | The cookie identifier |
scenarioId | The name of the scenario (touchpoint) |
numberLimit | The (maximum) number of recommended items |
resultNameValue | An item attribute name to be returned |
(optional) itemId | The identifier of the current item (for item-to-item recommendations) |
Other | A custom request name and value, for example for filtering |
(optional) splitGroup | (optional) In case there are multiple types of recommendations to be served, (for example: Yusp is competing against an other recommendation service vendor via A/B testing) then splitGroup context property needs to be added to the recommendation request. |
The order of the boxes in the request is important. The box / recommendation should be ordered top down. Meaning most relevant box / recommendation are normally ordered top down, in order to create more clicks and generate more revenue.
API endpoint - HTTP POST:
Get recommendation API endpoint
Example HTTP request body:
The response is in JSON format. Example HTTP response body:
Recommendation response
"title":"Sample Item 1",
"nameValues": [
"title":"Sample Item 2",
"nameValues": [
"itemIds":["sampleItem1", "sampleItem2"],
"predictionValues" : [ 1.0, 0.9 ]
Get bulk item recommendation
Parameters for the recommendation requests are sent as the body of the HTTP POST request.
Example request - HTTP POST:
Example HTTP request body:
"scenarioId": "MAIN_PAGE_PERSONAL",
"numberLimit": 2,
"nameValues": [{
"name": "categoryId",
"value": "3"
"resultNameValues": [
}, {
"scenarioId": "MAIN_PAGE_PERSONAL",
"numberLimit": 2,
"nameValues": [{
"name": "categoryId",
"value": "4"
"resultNameValues": [
In the response recommendation list each item is the answer for the same recommendation request
Example HTTP response body:
"title":"Example Item Title 1",
"title":"Example Item Title 2",
"predictionValues" : [ 4.2068971, 3.80689716 ]
"title":"Example Item Title 3",
"title":"Example Item Title 3",
"predictionValues" : [ 4.2068971, 3.80689716 ]
Query user metadata
Example request based on userId - HTTP GET
Example request based on cookieId - HTTP GET
Example HTTP response body:
"userId": "120",
"hidden": false,
"nameValues": [
{"name": "md5_email", "value": "2dff02796543fc99709b59096ff80ff3"}
Query event history
Example request based on userId - HTTP GET
Example request based on cookieId - HTTP GET
Example HTTP response body:
"itemId": "4999933",
"userId": "120",
"cookieId": "1606543fc24-0e4cacafec3db9dc",
"time": 1525326427,
"eventType": "BUY",
"nameValues": [{
"name": "quantity",
"value": "1"
"name": "unitPrice",
"value": "37.5"
"name": "orderId",
"value": "44000437"
"name": "_skipped",
"value": "4"
"recommendationId": null
"itemId": "4999933",
"userId": "120",
"cookieId": "1606543fc24-0e4cacafec3db9dc",
"time": 1525625386,
"eventType": "VIEW",
"nameValues": [{
"name": "_skipped",
"value": "7"
"recommendationId": null
Delete full event history
Example request - HTTP GET
The response is an empty HTTP 200 unless the request is invalid.
Delete full user metadata and event history
Example request - HTTP GET
The response is an empty HTTP 200 unless the request is invalid.
- Compressed uploads will not be accepted because of security considerations.
- Issue requests in parallel and use HTTP keep-alive.
Null or empty values omission
- In production setup null or empty values should not be submitted against API in order to improve performance.
HTTP Error 413 Request Entity Too Large
- Default limit is 1MB per request. Split data to stay below 1M.
- In most cases we suggest max 100-200 items/users/events in one batch.
Is it possible to use an array of strings in the nameValues?
{"name":"field","value":["string_1", "string_2"]},
Array of strings in nameValues can be posted as follows:
{"name": "field", "value": "string_1"},
{"name": "field", "value": "string_2"},